Thursday, April 17, 2008

You can practice dollar cost averaging with your EPF money in unit trust investment

Besides regular investment and regular top up when fund price is low with your hard earned cash, there are ways to practice DCA with your EPF money in unit trust investment:

1) Move your eligible EPF money into a bond fund, then give an auto-debit instruction to the UTMC (Public Mutual for instance) to transfer designated amount to selected equity/balanced fund in monthly basis

  • Pros - while you may gain moderate return from bond fund, you enjoy the benefit of DCA the same time
  • Cons - addition cost incurred (eg. o.25%) for moving the EPF money into bond initially (on top of the standard 3% service charge for transferring the money from bond to equity/balanced fund)

2) Move your eligible EPF money into a bond fund, then switch the desired amount into selected equity/balanced fund when the equity/balanced's fund price dropped to the desired level

  • Pros - while you may gain moderate return from bond fund, you enjoy the benefit of buying equity/balanced fund units at price that you desired
  • Cons - besides addition cost incurred (eg. o.25%) for moving the EPF money into bond initially (on top of the standard 3% service charge for transferring the money from bond to equity/balanced fund), you may have to pay an additional RM 25 for each transfer (disregard of amount transferred) from bond to equity/balanced fund unless you are a Mutual Gold member of Public Mutual
So next time if you bumped into an agent telling you that you can only invest your EPF money into equity/balanced fund in lump sum.....BEWARE!!

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